
Monday, December 6, 2010

God's Viewpoint - In Other Words

Prayer invites us to rest in the fact that God is in control, and the world’s problems are ultimately God’s, not ours. If I spend enough time with God, I will inevitably begin to look at the world from the point of view that more resembles God’s own. What is faith, after all but believing in advance what will only make sense in reverse.”

"The world's problems are ultimately God's, not ours."  Hallelujah!

This week's quote struck such a nerve with me, because by nature I am a problem-solver.  I fix things.  I sort out issues.  It is what I was paid to do in the business world, and it is what I have always done in my personal world.  Lately, God has been impressing upon me one truth over and over, "Marsha, you are not their provider."

Seems obvious enough, except when every fiber of your being is geared toward figuring out what the problem is, then doing something about it.  Except when it isn't my problem to fix ... then I am completely bereft, out of my element.

You would think I would have learned this lesson when my son was left paraplegic at 19.  When the doctors said he would never walk again (this was a boy who could leg press 400 lbs.) and now could not lift his own feet.  This was a boy who always said from 12 years old on, that he wanted to have a son of his own and take him fishing, and now he would never have children.

It did not make sense then, and it does not make sense now.  It is one of those things that I have to believe in advance, will someday make sense in reverse when I look back from heaven's side and see God's whole plan.  But it was this huge problem that I could not fix.  I simply had to trust that God was, and is, in control.

At this season of the year, the world's problems are coming to me through my mail box at warp speed; what with mail solicitations in every color envelope you can imagine.  And the pleas are so heart-rending, and the needs so overwhelming, that I am left numb by my lack of ability to meet them all.

The Smile Train (repairing cleft palates all over the world) is one of my special charities.  And Habitat for Humanity, Doctors Without Borders, and of course, The Salvation Army and  the Red Cross.

That says nothing of my own church's annual food drives, angel trees, and charity fund raisers.  At this time of year, I can become overwhelmed by the fact that there are more genuine needs than I can possibly respond to.  Again, huge problems that I cannot fix.

Thus we pray, and do what we can.  And it never feels like enough.  Thankfully, Yancy's quote reminds me that I am not Jehovah-Jireh (the Lord provides.)  I am just one person, with limited means and choices which must be made.

So I say THANK YOU LORD that the world's problems are not mine to solve.  Yes, I can and should do something.  We all should, if we can.  And I am reminded that money is not the only way to give.  Sometimes it isn't even the best way.  Prayer is often the best way to support someone in need.  "Does prayer make any difference?"  Thankfully, yes it does!

Jesus said that even a cup of cold water given in His name would not be overlooked by God.  A phone call to someone who is lonely or struggling with grief, a platter of cookies baked and delivered with warmth, a card with well-chosen words of encouragement.  All these and more are at our disposal if we will allow God to guide us to use them wisely.

I do not understand terrorism and war, violence and world hunger.  I do not understand why human beings would do the things they often do to each other.  But when I spend enough time with Him, I can rest knowing that nothing is too hard for Him and He is in control.  May God bless You ...Marsha Young & & &

Debbie is hosting today at Heart Choices - please see her wonderful post on this quote.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you joined in this week! I didn't know about your son. I know I would probably respond the same way and feel frustrated to not be able to 'fix' him. There are so many things we won't understand until heaven.

    But I do believe that there's much we can do in the situations and people the Lord brings into our lives. A simple card or a hug can mean so much. We may not solve all of the world's problems but we can give a cup of water to someone in need.

    Blessings and love,
