
Monday, January 31, 2011

Closed Doors and Open Windows

“I will never be the same again,
I can never return, I’ve closed the door.
I will walk the path, I’ll run the race
And I will never be the same again.”

~ lyrics by Geoff Bullock ~

It is true, that none of us will be, or can be, exactly the same person tomorrow that we were today or yesterday.  That door is closed and sometimes that is certainly for the best.

At other times, we have regrets about things that "the doors of life" have been closed upon.  Past friendships that did not survive the rough and tumble of life, promotions that never came through, opportunities we waited for in vain.

And thus, we will never be the same again.  On the other hand, we can choose to "walk the path, and run the race" that is set before us.

The old cliche says that "God never closes a door, but what He also opens a window."

I've faced some pretty sternly closed doors in my day, but I have also found some pretty amazing windows of blessing open to me that I never saw until the door I wanted so badly to go through was firmly closed.

Thank heavens, the One who distinguishes our truest needs from our transitory wants, is the One in charge of both closed doors and open windows.

God bless you - Marsha

Today's IOWT is hosted by Miriam Pauline at MiPa's Monologue.  Please stop by and leave a comment. 


  1. Thank you Marsha, I needed to read this today. God Bless - Nita

  2. I am thankful that he is more concerned with my truest needs and not transitory wants. I often want things that would not have positive life-long effects. *sigh* Yet he always opens the opportunities that will grow me into his image. What a blessing. Thanks for sharing with us today.

  3. Thank God for those amazing open windows!
    Thanks for sharing Marsha.
