how can we not trust Him to provide for the "little" things of life?
~ M.E. Howard
We may as well face it; your "little" and my "little" may be two very different "littles."
Here are some "little" examples that were very big deals to me at the time. Looking back upon them, some of them seem pretty insignificant now, but I am honest enough to admit that at the time....
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We had a new baby on the way, but it had been several years since our last child and we had long since given away all the paraphernalia that comes with a new one. What to do? Buying new "stuff" was out of the question as we were barely making ends meet.
Prayer, lots of it, as I grew bigger and bigger and the arrival date got closer and closer. I had read in stories about the pioneers who sometimes used a dresser drawer for new babies, when they had nothing else. Dear Lord, would it come to that? No, it didn't.
I said nothing to anyone, but kept praying. Then an old friend, living in a different town, whom I had not heard from in years, called out of the blue to say her baby was going into a toddler bed and they had heard I was expecting soon. Could I use a crib? And oh, also a high chair? Yes, I could! And our new "little thing" would have a bed to sleep in.
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Years ago I sang in the choir, and frequently sang solos, in our church. My one pair of dress shoes were completely worn out. But our budget (that laughable fragment that seemed to have way too much month left at the end of the money) had no room for new shoes. It was a little embarrassing to climb the steps to the platform to sing, with such shabby footwear.
It felt silly and selfish, but I prayed about a new pair of dress shoes to wear to church. And since I was being "silly" I decided to go waaay out on a limb and be very specific. I told the Lord, that if it was okay, I would like a pair of white, sling-back pumps.
You can believe this or not (and once again, I had said nothing to anyone, not even my husband) but one Sunday after church another young woman walked up to me with a shoe box in her hand. She said she had bought these and they did not fit, and asked what size I wore. I said a size 6. She smiled and handed me the box.
You guessed it - inside was a pair of white, sling-back pumps. I cried. Don't tell me God doesn't know where you live.
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Years later, I wanted to obtain a masters degree in my area of expertise. I had had to postpone my education many times, due to the demands of family and work responsibilities. But now I had the time; I simply lacked the money.
Meanwhile, our church was in a building program and I felt led to make the largest pledge for the project that I had ever made in my life. I had prayed about it, a lot, and felt it was the right amount.
Less than one month later, my employer approached me and asked if I still wanted to go for a masters? I did. They then volunteered to pay for my tuition, books, fees, all of it. One hundred percent of it. It just wasn't done, and it wasn't company policy - but it was God's policy - to reward those who trust in Him. He just opened the windows of heaven and poured out a blessing I could barely contain.
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To some a crib, a pair of shoes, or even an advanced degree might not seem like important things in life. To me, at that time, they were pretty necessary, and yes, important. (Just color me shallow, as I do enjoy a decent pair of shoes. :)
So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:31-33 NIV
Please join our hostess, over at Living for God for more on today's quote.
Oh, how I needed this today. I am constantly working on worrying less; praying more. My 16 year old is teaching me to "pray without ceasing" every single day. I don't think it's silly to ask God for anything, for He knows the desires of our hearts ... He just likes to hear us talk to Him, no matter what we ask!
ReplyDeleteHave a bless day, Sister!
Thanks for this reminder, Marsha. Life wears on me and I forget that God is concerned about every little thing we are. I worry instead of pray. I needed to read this. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteGreat examples of God's loving kindness. Thanks for sharing your prayers and God's answers.
I believe God cares about all things in our lives and when we are in line with his will, he will bless us with even the little things. Thanks for the reminder to put our faith in God first.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great testimony to God's faithfulness in the details of our lives! I especially love it that you 'told no one', just prayed.. I think that's when God really has fun!
ReplyDeleteLove this one!
What a great testimony! It's good for me to hear. Makes me think about the verse that says - you have not because you do not ask!
ReplyDeleteThis is such a welcome "word" for my heart today; a good reminder about all the times God has proven faithful regarding my prayers. I've had some "little" things along the way as well. Big ones too. Nothing is too small, too large for the capable and willing heart of the Father!