Then all the trees of the forest will sing for joy;
they will sing before the Lord,
for he comes, ...
Psalm 96:12-13
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Singing for joy.
Apparently the Father loves a good concert. A heavenly sing-a-long.
We are told the angels sing.
King David was a singer - before he ever was a king.
The morning stars sang together at the time of creation.
"Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee - how great Thou art."
sang George Beverly Shea for well over fifty years of his life, and folks never tired of hearing that magnificent bass voice of his.
Not all of us are great singers. But we all can sing our gratitude and joy to a Great God.
It is an opportunity not to be missed. Singing for joy.
# # # # #
Singing for joy.
Apparently the Father loves a good concert. A heavenly sing-a-long.
We are told the angels sing.
King David was a singer - before he ever was a king.
The morning stars sang together at the time of creation.
"Then sings my soul, my Savior God to thee - how great Thou art."
sang George Beverly Shea for well over fifty years of his life, and folks never tired of hearing that magnificent bass voice of his.
Not all of us are great singers. But we all can sing our gratitude and joy to a Great God.
It is an opportunity not to be missed. Singing for joy.
Have a joyful week ... Marsha